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Old Fashioned Library

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Book Recommendations For All Ages.

Current Genres: Dystopian, Fantasy, Autobiography, Historical

Slave By Laura Frances

"The Slave Series"

By Laura Frances | Dystopian YA


Workers silently shuffle to their assigned posts.
Outcasts watch from the alley walls.
On every corner, a Watcher stands stone-faced, rifle in hand.

Nineteen-year-old Hannah exists in a gray, smog-covered world of labor and fear, where sunlight and stars are stories whispered in secret. She survives on the memories left by her parents, reliving the moment they were dragged from their family unit and shot.

Everything changes the night the valley erupts in explosions and gunfire. Edan, a young soldier in disguise, pulls Hannah from her unit and rushes her down to the streets. Surrounded by dozens of terrified slaves, she's told to run. Run as hard and as fast as you can and don't stop! Hannah's world turns upside down. Now the enemy fights for her freedom, and she must struggle to shake loose from fear-conditioning and to forgive men who inflicted terror on her people.

The Slave Series is still one of the best books trilogies I have ever had the honor of reading. It's unique in both the execution and storyline, with a lot of strong themes that are good for, especially young adult readers, but also readers of all ages! These books are ones I will always and forever recommend to any fan of The Hunger Games or Divergent! 

CONTENT: Non-gory violence, mild romance. Age recommended: 16+ years of age. For more mature readers, 13+ years of age. 

"The Rogues Series"

By Kristen Hogrefe Parnell | Dystopian YA

A Revisionary rewrites the rules.

A Rogue breaks them.

Which one is she?

Nineteen-year-old Portia Abernathy plans to earn a Dome seat and rewrite the Codex rules to rescue her exiled brother. Her journey demands answers from the past civilization, but uncovering the truth means breaking the rules she set out to rewrite.
Where will the world be in 2149? If citizens forget their past, they will be lost in an identity crisis. That's exactly the state of the American Socialists United (ASU). This dystopian story opens in Cube 1519, a ghetto where the only use for obsolete cell phones is to throw them like rocks at mongrels.


Portia and her father survive like many other citizens, with no electricity or technology and no expectation for a better life.

Yet Portia remembers her brother Darius—before he was taken from her. Now that's she's graduated, she determines to get him back. She thinks earning a Dome seat as a Revisionary candidate will be her ticket to rewriting the Codex and reversing his sentence. However, when she receives her draft and arrives at the Crystal Globe University for training, she discovers the world is very different outside her cube and that prisoners like Darius aren't the only ones trapped by the system.

Written for young adults, THE REVISIONARY offers a suspenseful plot, flashbacks to America's Revolutionary era, and rediscovery of the founding values needed to rebuild Portia's unraveling world. "In school, teens hear that if they don't learn from history's lessons, they're destined to repeat them," author Kristen Hogrefe says. "Portia lives in a world where leaders wield ignorance to control citizens. Only when Portia sets out to rescue her brother does she realize the lie she's been living and determines to break free."

Blockbuster novels like The Hunger Games, Divergent, and The Giver popularized the dystopian YA genre. THE REVISIONARY builds a dystopia of a different kind—one that looks backward to find wisdom to move forward to offer an underlying message of heritage and hope.

Right after I finished "Slave" by Laura Frances, I was thirsty for that same thrill, and I found that in "The Rogues Series" by Kristen Hogrefe Parnell. I cannot say enough about this series! Not only does it have a futuristic, dystopian society, but it intermingles lessons from American history AND faith in such a fantastic way! Portia quickly became one of my favorite characters ever. This is a great book for readers of all ages! If you'd like to read my full book review, you can do that HERE.

CONTENT: Non-gory violence, mild romance, brief mentions of alcohol. Age recommended: 16+ years of age and up.

Rise of the Forgotten_edited.jpg

"Rise of the Forgotten

By J.H. Lehr (Gates) | YA Fantasy



Raven has yet to discover hers. Life for the princess seems fated towards tedious studies, political agendas, and endless royal obligations.But when she embarks on an ambassadorial mission throughout Alarkin, her future becomes uncertain. There is a traitor in her midst … or so it seems. After sifting through a tangled web of treacherous subterfuge, the truth is revealed. Now, Raven has a chance to save her people from a forgotten foe who has risen from the ashes of legend. She must fight to find her courage – but she cannot do it alone.


Enter a world of peril and deception in…



Once upon a time, I was not a fantasy fan, but after realizing how awesome fantasy actually is, I was on the search for another story that I couldn't put down --- and Rise of the Forgotten by J.H. Gates (Lehr) was that story!!! Not only does the author keep the twists coming, she made me laugh out loud in one of the most high-stakes scenes! I loved reading Rise of the Forgotten and I cannot recommend it enough!

CONTENT: Non-gory violence, Mild Romance. Age recommended: 13+ years of age and up.


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